The Asian Development Bank is backing new coal, despite climate pledges

A range of new coal power projects, including the 2,000-megawatt expansion of Southeast Asia’s largest and dirtiest coal plant, are getting backing from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), according to a new report from the environmental and human rights groups Inclusive Development International, Recourse, Trend Asia and the NGO Forum on ADB. Inclusive Development International […]

World Bank is backing dozens of new coal projects, despite climate pledges

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private lending arm of the World Bank Group, is indirectly backing dozens of new coal projects throughout Asia, according to a new report, Blowing Smoke: How Coal Finance is Flowing through the IFC’s Paris Alignment Loopholes. The report, based on research conducted by Inclusive Development International, Recourse and Trend […]

Limbah Beracun dari PLTU Ancam Kesehatan dan Lingkungan, Masyarakat Banten Kecam Bank Dunia Karena Dukung Proyek Batu Bara Jawa 9-10

Limbah Beracun dari PLTU Ancam Kesehatan dan Lingkungan, Masyarakat Banten Kecam Bank Dunia Karena Dukung Proyek Batu Bara Jawa 9-10  Banten, 14 September 2023 – Masyarakat Banten secara resmi telah mengajukan pengaduan terhadap Grup Bank Dunia yang secara tidak langsung mendukung pembangunan dua pembangkit listrik tenaga uap (PLTU) batu bara Jawa 9 dan 10 ke […]

Court ruling halts mining project in North Sumatra

An administrative court in Jakarta has ruled in favor of local community representatives who are challenging the environmental permit for a controversial mining project in North Sumatra. Given the vulnerability of the area, which is one of the most active earthquake zones in the world, and the risk involved in the project, including plans to […]

Bank Dunia mengatakan tambang Sumatera Utara menimbulkan risiko “ekstrim”

DPM Field Office Dairi

Investigasi Bank Dunia telah menyimpulkan bahwa tambang seng dan timah yang sedang dikembangkan di Sumatera Utara, Indonesia oleh Dairi Prima Mineral, anak perusahaan dari China Nonferrous Metal Industry’s Foreign Engineering and Construction (NFC) menghadapkan komunitas sekitar dengan “risiko ekstrem” Yang menjadi perhatian khusus adalah bendungan tailing yang dirancang ini dimaksudkan untuk menyimpan produk sampingan beracun […]

World Bank watchdog says North Sumatra mine poses “extreme” risks

DPM Field Office Dairi

>> Read this release in Indonesian A World Bank investigation has concluded that a zinc and lead mine being developed in North Sumatra, Indonesia by Dairi Prima Mineral, a subsidiary of China Nonferrous Metal Industry’s Foreign Engineering and Construction (NFC), poses “extreme” risks to nearby communities. Of particular concern is a planned tailings dam meant […]

Pengawas Bank Dunia akan meninjau proyek tambang Dairi Prima Mineral yang berisiko di Sumatra Utara

(Medan, Indonesia) Kantor akuntabilitas independen International Finance Corporation (IFC), yang merupakan anggota Grup Bank Dunia, akan menilai kepatuhan bank terhadap kebijakan lingkungan dan sosialnya sehubungan dengan keterkaitannya dengan proyek pertambangan kontroversial di Sumatra Utara, Indonesia, menurut laporan  terbaru dari Penasihat Kepatuhan Ombudsman. Tambang seng dan timah usulan Dairi Prima Mineral, yang terletak di salah satu […]

World Bank watchdog to review risky Dairi Prima Mineral mine project in North Sumatra

(Medan, Indonesia) The independent accountability office of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a World Bank Group member, will assess the bank’s compliance with its environmental and social policies in connection with its ties to a controversial mining project in North Sumatra, Indonesia, according to a new report from the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman. The proposed Dairi […]

Communities call on Indonesian government to reject dangerous mine in North Sumatra

Concerned communities in North Sumatra are calling on the Indonesian government to deny developers an environmental permit for a proposed lead-zinc mine they believe will threaten their lives, homes and livelihoods. The call comes as the government edges closer to approving the DairI Prima Mineral mining project in Dairi Regency, a joint venture between the […]