Outsourcing Development: Campaigning for transparency and accountability in financial intermediary lending

Financial Intermediary Lending

Development banks have safeguards meant to protect human rights and the environment. What happens when they outsource billions of dollars to the private financial sector, where transparency and accountability are weak?

For decades, development banks loaned money directly to their clients, mostly companies and large projects like power plants and mines. This allowed them to monitor—and be held accountable for—adverse impacts on human rights and the environment. But following the global financial crisis of 2008, development banks began increasingly outsourcing their money to commercial banks and private investment funds that would act as financial intermediaries, lending it onward to end users.

Proponents of this approach argued that it reduces poverty by increasing access to financial markets in developing countries. But because the money is difficult to track—even for the development banks themselves—it can end up harming the very people it is supposed to help. Concealed by banking secrecy laws and funneled to end users through complex, multi-layered transactions, this money has quietly bankrolled human rights abuses and environmental destruction in all corners of the globe.

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private-sector arm of the World Bank, spearheaded the transition to financial intermediary lending at other development banks, such as the European Investment Bank and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, followed suit.

Lifting the Veil on the IFC’s Harmful Private-Sector Lending

Inclusive Development International has worked with a coalition of partners around the world to investigate, expose and stem the tide of IFC’s hidden investments in destructive projects.

Working with our coalition partners from RecourseOxfamUrgewald, the Philippine Movement for Climate Justice and others, we uncovered and brought attention to the extent of the problem and worked to stop the flow of harmful IFC investment via financial intermediaries. When we began investigating IFC’s financial intermediary lending, there were only a handful of cases in which the IFC was known to have channeled money to harmful projects. Our investigation uncovered nearly 150, including hydropower dams that displaced tens of thousands of people and power plants that threatened entire ecosystems. We published our findings in a searchable database.

Based on this evidence, we released a series of investigative reports, entitled Outsourcing Development: Lifting the Veil on the IFC’s Harmful Private-Sector Lending, which looks at how these investments have impacted people on the ground. We then worked with affected people to file complaints to the IFC’s accountability office, the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman, including an historic class action-style complaint in the Philippines against 19 coal plants that the IFC indirectly bankrolled.

Outsourcing Development Series

Digging Deeper

Digging Deeper

Can the IFC's New Green Equity Strategy Help End Indonesia's Dirty Coal Mines?
Read the report
Broken Promises

Broken Promises

The World Bank, International Investors and the Fight for Climate Justice in the Philippines
Read the report
Time to Come Clean

Time to Come Clean

How the World Bank Group and International Investors Can Stop the World's Most Dangerous Coal Plant
Read the report
Unjust Enrichment- How the IFC Profits from Land Grabbing in Africa

Unjust Enrichment

How the IFC Profits from Land Grabbing in Africa - Outsourcing Development, Part 4
Read the report
Reckless Development- The IFC’s Dodgy Deals in Southeast Asia

Reckless Development

The IFC's Dodgy Deals in Southeast Asia - Outsourcing Development, Part 3
Read the report
Bankrolling India’s Dirty Dozen

Bankrolling India's Dirty Dozen

Outsourcing Development, Part 2
Read the report

"Disaster for Us and the Planet"

How the IFC is Quietly Funding a Coal Boom - Outsourcing Development, Part 1
Read the report
OUTSOURCING DEVELOPMENT- Lifting the Veil on the World Bank Group’s Lending Through Financial Intermediaries

Outsourcing Development

Lifting the Veil on the World Bank Group's Lending Through Financial Intermediaries
Read the report

Faced with the evidence, a steady stream of complaints, and relentless pressure from our campaign, the IFC has implemented several key reforms that we advocated for:

  • It has improved its due diligence and supervision of financial intermediary projects, scaling back new investments in financial institutions engaged in high-risk activities and divesting from clients that have continuously failed to abide by the IFC’s environmental and social requirements.
  • It has begun “ring-fencing,” or legally restricting, 95% of its investments in commercial banks for targeted purposes, such as lending to small businesses or renewable energy projects, while explicitly excluding harmful projects such as coal or large-scale hydropower.
  • It has committed to require new financial intermediary clients to disclose basic project information (project name, sector, location) for higher risk sub-projects funded by the proceeds of the IFC’s investments.
  • In 2020 the IFC unveiled its Green Equity Approach, which sets climate targets for all financial intermediaries in which it holds shares – including zero exposure to coal by 2030.
  • Most recently, in April 2023 IFC updated its Green Equity Approach to explicitly state that it would require a commitment from financial intermediary clients to not originate and finance any new coal projects.

We continue to work with our coalition partners to ensure these commitments are met—and that when harm occurs, affected communities can access justice. We also continue to push the IFC to codify these reforms in IFC’s Sustainability Policy and take them further, including by expanding the scope of the Green Equity Approach to cover all fossil fuels and all types of financial sector investments. We are also continuing our work with partners to end the flow of IFC financial intermediary investment and other capital to coal and other fossil fuels.


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